Minutes – March 2017 Meeting

Wednesday, March 29, 2017 – Captain William Spry Center, 15 Sussex Street

7:00pm – 9:00pm.

In Attendance

Marjorie Willison, Emily Eager, Crysta Cumming, Dylan Letendre, Anne-Marie Curtis, Bobby Watson, Michael MacMillan, Duncan Macheachen, Bruce Holland, Abe Sorge, Dave Maculloch, Chantal Lacroix, Marnie Steeves, Rachael, Courtney, Alexis, Robin.


Abe Sorge




Motions, discussions and actions

2. Review of the Minutes
Marjorie WillisonMarjorie motion to accept the minutes. She asked that the record reflect that she thought the minutes were “beautiful.”Crysta seconded, accepted by general acclaim.
3. General Business
3.1. Community Services Fair
Crysta CummingCrysta asked the group who would like to attend the Community Services Fair on behalf of the Spryfield Community Association.Emily Eager, Marjorie and Crysta wished to attend.
3.2 Business cards finally arrived
CrystaCrysta handed out our business cards to meeting attendees.Everyone loves business cards.
3.3 Canadian Film Festival
Dylan LetendreDylan said that his friend Evelien Vanderkloet had volunteered to organize publicity for the Speed Sisters showing, including social media presence.Chantal Lacroix was to allow Evelien access to the Facebook page.
Chantal LacroixMaybe we should pay to boost our visiblity on Facebook for this event.Mike’s recommendation was that we should spend 75% of our money and effort on building good content, and the remainder on paying for visibility. Since only about 5% of our effort goes into content as yet, it was decided by consensus that we should probably hold off on spending any money.
Dylan LetendreDylan asked Bruce Holland if the Spryfield and District Business Commission would consider donating some foodstuffs for the movies screening.Bruce agreed to donate some drinks for the screening. The rest of the group figured we would pitch in private funds on screening day to get some snacks for the crowd, and not to draw from the SCA budget for this.
3.3.1 SDBC Chebucto News column
Bruce HollandBruce announced that the SDBC had decided to get a column in the Chebucto News.
3.3 Making inclusion part of our social mandate
Abe SorgeAbe asked that the SCA prioritize social inclusion when we make decisions about our activities. General discussion followed about the topic and what it would mean to the group. Consensus was generally that we should adopt the concept and figure out what it meant to our operations later.Based on input, Abe rephrased and moved that the SCA should add the phrase”prioritize social inclusion” to its bylaws. Marjorie seconded, passed with general acclaim.
3.5 Visit from Pathways to Education
RobinRobin, Alexis and Courtney told us about the Pathways to Education placemaking program. They’ve got twelve youth building freestanding pantries for food and hygiene items. The program is called Spyrfield to You, and locations are provisionally planned for the Captain Spry Rec Center, The Lions Rink and the Sobeys on Herring Cove Road.All concur that it is an awesome program and a really good idea.
Bruce HollandBruce offered to help if they needed assistance finding private land to put the pantries on.
4. Committee Reports
4.1 Outreach Committee
ChantalChantal is pressed for time and needs help on the outreach committee.We should ask Jodie Brown.
4.2 Website Development
Michael MacmillanWe need to get on mailchimp before we get blacklisted. Our current setup is basically breaking all the rules. Mike also needs money for the myspryfield.org domain name expenses. Also, the spryfield.org domain name is coming up to decision time.Give Mike domain name money and coordinate with him on Slack about the Mailchimp account. Abe moved to keep the spryfield.org domain name and he would pay for it, Anne Marie seconded. Passed with general acclaim.
4.3 Funding Committee
DylanFunding should be asking people directly to contribute to projects.Dylan said he would be happy to go on outreach expiditions. Bruce said he would contribute to that effort too.
4.4 Film Festival Committee
Veronica PostVeronica submitted a grant application to ISANS for workshops on how to do digital editing. She also contacted the Center for Art Tapes who agreed to provide a reduced price on their digital editing studios. She made a poster, put it up on the website, and asked Shawn Cleary, Brendan Maguire and Stephen Adams to share it. Finally, she is writing a news article for Chebucto News in May.Veronica does everything.
4.5 Travelling Theatre Committee
Abe SorgeAbe suggested himself as a candidate for the currently-vacant Travelling Theatre Committee.Crysta seconded, motion passed with general acclaim.
4.6 Infrastructure and Planning Committee
Anne-Marie CurtisAnne-Marie gave us a rundown on the last IAP committee meeting of March 15th, 2017. The committee decided to dust off the pre-existing planning work. Goals include understanding planning framework, engage stakeholders, stay up to speed on local developments, and be engaged in local panels and committees.
Marnie StevesMarnie offered to be the SCA’s liaison on the siting process for the new high school.Keep in touch with Marnie and generally stay involved with this process.
5. Financials
ChantalNo significant change in our financial status.Keep your eyes peeled for dropped quarters and free lunches, people.