An Update on Herring Cove Sidewalk

As you may know, we’ve been advocating for sidewalks on either side of Herring Cove Road in the vicinity of the 500 block apartments. HRM has surveyed and costed this project since 2017 and advised that this is an expensive project on a skinny annual Active Transportation budget. We are now faced with the question of whether to support a less expensive temporary solution now or opt to wait for the ideal solution to happen some time later. We want people to be safe immediately and we also want usable and attractive sidewalk spaces that people of all ages and abilities can use to walk or access transit. It’s a tough decision on where to throw our chips. We need your help! Please join us at the upcoming Association meeting on April 25, 2018 at Capt’n Spry when we will discuss this project with HRM staff.

Posted by Spry-Beautiful

I am a come from away, finding a real home in Spryfield since 2012. I fell in love with Spryfield when I started using the wave pool with my infant son, and discovered a friendly Community unlike any other in Halifax. I am a Mother of young boys, runner, walker, bus user, biker, swimmer, park and trail lover and I can do all these happily and easily in Spryfield. I am leading community infrastructure planning because I am interested in working towards a Spry as beautiful on the outside as it is on the inside.