Minutes – May 2017 Meeting

Wednesday, May 31, 2017 – Captain William Spry Center, 15 Sussex Street

7:00pm – 9:00pm


Secretary: Veronica Post


Round table and introductions including guests Pat, from the farm museum, and Iris, from the historical society


Crysta introduced the new “parking lot” system to keep our discussions on track


Fun Committee updates:

Crysta spoke about the meeting that happened with Janet Kidston at the farm and the proposed site for the theater screen (bottom of field)

Veronica spoke about our acceptance to the Canada 150 grant. General huzzah.

General question: what are our total costs going to be? Answer: we can always use more money.

Pat suggested Timbermart might donate some materials for construction

It is agreed that some benches will be needed for people who aren’t able to sit on the ground

Dylan suggested that J.L.I students might build us benches next year as a class project

General discussion of the size and appearance of the screen ensued.

General discussion on time and place for community engagement events.

Pat suggested that the SCA piggyback on the Farm’s planned family activity day’s for one or both of our community engagement activities

Date agreed upon was the 11 of July from 8:00 pm on. Another possible piggy-back date is Aug. 8th

Jody suggested making a party of it, and mentioned a band and a dj who have volunteered their time for one of our community engagement events.

It is agreed that the SCA will meet again with the farm by attending one of their meetings June 13th to discuss options further.

Agreed that we need to pin down size of screen, structure and possible permits needed.

Agreed that the battery pack necessary for screening movies will not be ready by July 11th for our 1st community engagement event

Agreed that a rain date may be needed-nothing agreed upon

Construction party planned in early September, before harvest party.

Next year, plan a season of movies.

Veronica mentioned meeting with head librarian and positive discussion of showing movies like star wars (in collaboration with the library)


Planning Committee,

Anne Marie suggests joining the Mac.Run watershed assoc. for their annual clean up party–email with dates to come!

Emily Suggests joining the Mac.RunWatShedAssc. meeting on June 13th.. But it is same date as the Farm Meeting.

General discussion on how the legion offers free hot dogs at the annual clean up, general agreement that it is great.

Anne Marie updates group on Planning Committee meets: They have been positive and we are getting on board with things already happening in HRM like joining the HRM alliance.

We are creating a “brainstorming list” for the city of our dreams to forward to HRM

We want to move along with “wayfinding” to connect the mac.runs to long lake park. (Jody texts Steve Adams to get his support, I think he responds positively)

Desire to work with the Historical Society on a posted walking route with signs to remind people of historical Spryfield

Dylan suggests engaging the mi’kmaq community to include that perspective on the walking route

Dylan also suggests that canada 150 may fund this project

Marjorie Suggests that the planning committee continue to look through the lens of Age Friendly Communities, because that is great for everyone

General agreement with all previous statements

Anne Marie/Marjorie remind the group that there is a J.L.I planning consultation on June 6th, details on HRSB website


Website Updates

Crysta explains mail chimp to SCA, and that we have it set up now

Mike also says that minutes will be posted on the website, that our bylaws are posted and that the agendas will also be up.

Mike goes over our numbers, and says we still have low flow to the website, but that we can see where it might be coming from (he discusses percentages, which sound very professional and big-timey). More material on the site is always wanted, and directing traffic from social media. One person has clicked on the “film fest submission form” link!


New Urban Farm Building updates

Pat explains that the community consult was very positive, with lots of great ideas shared.

The plan is to build a heritage style farm building (barn) on the land. They are dreaming big! There is discussion of having an agriculture student on site from May-Oct. and baby animals.

The building may house a concert stage, and the many amazing artifacts and photos from the Historical society, which may allow the Urban Farm Museum to be approved with official museum status! That means a big deal for Spryfield, and those fancy highway signs that direct people to come check out the farm.

All are welcome to their meetings, which are the 2nd Monday of every month.

The Farm is very happy that the SCA has been and will be involved

General Huzzah


Parking Lot

Dylan talks about the St. Pauls food drive, which will take place on June 25th from 2-4pm followed by a party at the church. Food will be collected at Capt. Spry centre, and passed hand-by-hand up a chain of 100 people to the church at the top of Sussex st. They need volunteers to help pass food!

General agreement that it is a cool event.

Veronica suggests that Fun committee folks check out the outdoor movies planned at the public gardens, June 30th (strange brew) or July 21st(Grand Seduction) might be educational for us, and fun.

Marjorie discusses the need for a pedestrian crossing across the H.C.R between the Capt. Spry bridge, and the Mac. Run trail. Perhaps a planning committee priority? Might fit into way-finding, too.

Veronica explains that the article written for Chebucto News (re:outdoor theatre) wasn’t published. General confusion and sadness. Marjorie and Pat suggest that it was an editorial decision because of timing, and it will probably show up in the next issue. Veronica will check on this.